WORN is a new body of work developed as a mindful practice and response to the artist’s local surroundings. Found and gifted materials combined with items collected on daily walks speak to the passage of time, cycles in nature and patterns of human behaviour. WORN embraces the forms, textures and tones of deterioration and celebrates the unique qualities of found materials. As wearable body adornments these works enact the concept of turning one’s trash into another’s treasure - exploring the beauty in decay and making old new again.

Flotsam/Jetsam brooch pin series, 2022, sterling silver, mixed media

Worship/Decay charm bracelet and necklace series, 2022, sterling silver, mixed media


I keep walking
Along the street and on the beach
To break through the thoughts and stillness

I stop and pick up objects I see
I hold them in my hands
Observing their weight and texture

Noticing the marks and patinas made by time
Like the days, months and years my body accumulates
Changes both welcome and withheld

In the studio my hands place the pieces together
And pull them apart again
A process of mindful repetition

In which fragmented memories ebb and flow
Collected and recollected
Abstract reminders of love and loss

Intuitive movements weave new stories
Willing beauty from the decay
And making new marriages and bonds

A gentle touch required
For such brittle objects and a fragile heart
A microcosm of the world at large

I stop and take a breath
Things continue on around me
And so I keep walking


Divine Mantras for Earthly Matters


Snake Worship